Why on-box? When circumstances dictate that you have no automation station or server you have control or access to!

You enable op scripts by listing the filenames of one or more op script files within the [edit system scripts op] hierarchy level

example for op script called test.py:

set system scripts op file test.py

To execute local op scripts, you must add the script file names to the appropriate op script directory on the device:


Similar process for commit, event and snmp




Scripts can also be written in Python - types of scripts stored in the same folders as above

Python 2.7 for Junos 16.1+ to 20.1 (no 2.7 in 20.2R1)

Python 3.x for Junos 19.4R1+

Extra config in addition to adding script names to config:

set system scripts language python

Example OP script (disables the port specified and commits config)

lab@R1> show configuration system scripts
op {
    file port_disable.py;
language python;

lab@R1> file show /var/db/scripts/op/port_disable.py

from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config
from jnpr.junos.exception import *
import jcs
import sys

def main():

    usage = """
        This script disables the specified interface.
        The script modifies the candidate configuration to disable
        the interface and commits the configuration to activate it.
    print (usage)

    interface = jcs.get_input("Enter interface to disable: ")
    if not interface:
    print ("invalid interface")

    config_xml = """

    dev = Device()
        with Config(dev, mode="exclusive") as cu:
            print ("Loading and committing configuration changes")
            cu.load(config_xml, format="xml", merge=True)

    except Exception as err:
        print (err)


if __name__ == "__main__":

Running the example:

lab@R1> op port_disable.py

This script disables the specified interface.
The script modifies the candidate configuration to disable
the interface and commits the configuration to activate it.

Enter interface to disable: xe-0/0/9
Loading and committing configuration changes


lab@R1> show configuration interfaces xe-0/0/9
mtu 9192;
unit 0 {
    family inet {

Python Inventory OP script example (gets certain inventory info)

from jnpr.junos import Device

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with Device() as dev:
        inv = dev.rpc.get_chassis_inventory()
        model = inv.findtext("chassis/description")
        sn = inv.findtext("chassis/serial-number")
        print "Model: " + model
        print "Serial number: " + sn
        for module in inv.findall("chassis/chassis-module/name"):
            print "Chassis module: " + module.text

Python COMMIT script example (checks for login user with invalid perms but still allows commit with warning)

from junos import Junos_Configuration as root
import jcs

if __name__ == "__main__":
    message = "Permission all is assigned to invalid class."
    for element in root.findall("system/login/class[permissions='all']"):
        jcs.emit_warning("class:" + element.findtext('name') + " " + message)

to set the above to error and not commit


Project to Complete: Create Python script to ping all CEs

To check for CE IPs

  • Check for all interfaces with IP address configured and enabled
  • Then check ARP for CE IP
    • Report any with no ARP into output file
  • Ping 5 times
  • Print results to output file

Show ARP info

lab@R1> show arp interface xe-1/2/0.0
 MAC Address       Address         Name                      Interface               Flags
 e4:c7:22:7f:b6:85               xe-1/2/0.0              none

Display xml rpc for arp show command

lab@R1> show arp interface xe-1/2/0.0 | display xml rpc
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/16.1R3/junos">

Display xml for arp show command

lab@R1> show arp interface xe-1/2/0.0 | display xml
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/16.1R3/junos">
    <arp-table-information xmlns="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/16.1R3/junos-arp" junos:style="normal">