A reformatted email from an AWS trainer after a Cloud Practitioner Bootcamp. Lots of useful links to the slides and further reading and resources - all links working when published on 17th June 2020. Some links may need you to have a partner logon.

Thank you for attending the AWS Cloud Practitioner Bootcamp course - slides PDF. And congratulations for making it through. It was a lot of information at once. If you want to see some repetition about what I said just watch the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Second Edition digital version. Additionally, under the AWS Technical Professional Learning Path page, you can see links to AWS Business/Technical Professional and Cloud Economics digital content, which are all recommended for consumption. Finally, check the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide PDF and the sample questions PDF if you are looking to sit the Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam.

I hope you got a good understanding of the foundational AWS services around:








And a few videos

AWS Toolkit Infographic

AWS Toolkit

  • And some other great infographics from AWS Geek

AWS Online Labs

  • If you want to get your hands dirty, AWS lab environments containing free step-by-step labs are available at amazon.qwiklabs.com

AWS Ramp Up Guides

  • Build Your AWS Cloud Knowledge on a varity of subject areas with a set of downloadable Ramp-Up Guides

AWS Architecture

AWS Cheat Sheets